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Monthly Assessments

Special Assessments



Fire and CO2 Alarms












Monthly Assessments

Assessments are collected for managing the common expenses of the Association (ref Condo docs, Article II, para 2.1, Unit Owners Association; Article III, para 3.1b, Board of Directors)

  Monthly Amount Effective Date Reference for Additional Information
  $451 1984 Sales Info and closing docs
  $100 1987 1987 annual meeting minutes
  $1502 1988 1988 annual meeting minutes
  $135   Unknown when this was enacted
  $140 1996 1995 annual meeting minutes

1 Oct 1996

1996 Annual Meeting Minutes


8 Nov 2003

2003 Annual Meeting Minutes
  $165 I Jan 2005 13 Nov 2004 Annual Meeting Minutes
  $175 1 Jan 2006 12 Nov 2005 Annual Meeting Minutes
  $225 1 Jan 2011 20 Dec 2010 Management Notice
  $275 1 Jan 2020 18 Dec 2019 Management Notice
  $325 1 Jan 2023 12 Nov 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes



1.  As shown in the linked information, the initial monthly maintenance fee was based on a best case scenario with no funds set aside allocated to reserves to pay for routine maintenance (e.g., Any cost overruns, painting, repairs etc)

2.   Amount includes cost of loan to address structural issues until lawsuit with the developer is settled

3.  Monthly fee lowered to $135 (as lawsuit settled and no longer a loan to cover cost of needed improvements)

4.   In Nov 2003, an increase of $20/month was proposed (From $155 to $175) to maintain Northface operations.  At the 2003 annual meeting, owners voted for a $240 special assessment per unit rather than increase the monthly maintenance fee from $155/Unit



Special Assessments

Special assessments are to used when there are insufficient funds in the reserve account for the maintenance/replacement of common area items.  Northface has been fairly successful over its history in limiting the need for special assessments by maintaining adequate reserves through a realistic monthly assessment.  The table below lists the special assessments.  A couple of points to remember in Northface history;


# Amount Year Reference for Additional Information Purpose


1990 1990 Annual Minutes

Approved by Owners in order to support the 1991 budget without a $5 increase in the monthly maintenance fee


$240   2004

2004 Annual Meeting Packet

(Ref Fact sheet, page 10, item 4)

Approved by Owners in order to support the 2004 budget and maintain the monthly fees at $155/unit

3 $1,740    2005 8 Mar 2005 Special Meeting

Capital Improvement Plan that would encompass a painting/vinyl siding project, seal coating the asphalt, alarm system upgrade (mandated by the Fire Marshal) and misc major issues facing the Association in the next few year.  This special meeting was a follow on from discussion at the Nov 2004 Annual Meeting where the Capital Improvement Plan was presented

4 $1,835   2006 12 Nov 2005 Annual Meeting Minutes

Continuation of the Capital Improvement Plan (Year 2 of 3)

5 $1,260   2007 11 Nov 2006 Annual Meeting Minutes

Continuation of the Capital Improvement Plan (Year 3 of 3)

6 $2,500   2016 20 Aug 2016 Special Owners Meeting

Primarily for replacement of decking, driveway sealing, and painting.   Scope of work came to $280,000 and was paid via a combination of reserve funds, the painting fund, and this special assessment

7 $1000 2017 18 Dec 2017 Mgt Summation Statement (Page 1) First Deck Special Assessment
8 $1000 2018 18 Dec 2017 Mgt Summation Statement (Page 2) Second Deck Special Assessment
9 $100 2021 5 Oct 2021 Invoice Unit Lighting:  Replace parking lot side door lighting of all units.  Cost was approved at the 24 Nov 2020 Annual Meeting (ref page 8 of minutes) for $100 with the assessment due  April 1, 2021 - but invoices were not sent until October
10 $181.82    2020

24 Nov 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

(Ref page 8)

Financial Audit:  Assessment is due February 1, 2021
11 $100 2021 15 Dec 2021 Invoice Unit lighting:  Replace the deck (Mountain side) exterior lighting as approved by owners at the 2021 Annual Owners Meeting
12 $500 2022 30 Dec 2021 Invoice Building 1-4 Roof replacement.  A $2000 per unit assessment was approved at the 2021 Nov Annual Owners Meeting.   There will be four invoices of $500 each for a total of a $2,000 special assessment.  Payments are due 31 Jan, 30 Apr, 31 Jul, and 31 Oct.
13 $500 08 Apr 2022 Invoice
14 $500 13 Jul 2022 Invoice
15 $500 30 Sep 2022 Invoice
16 $250 2023 Jan 2023 Invoice Chimney rectification actions for Buildings 1-4.  Details in the 2023 Nov Annual Owners meeting minutes.  The Association approved a Quarterly assessment of $250 plus a TBD amount when the final cost is determined. Quarterly Assessments are due the end of Jan, Apr, Jul, and Oct 2023
17 $250 Apr 2023 invoice
18 $250 Jul 2023 Invoice
19 $250 Oct 2023 Invoice
20 $533 30 Nov 2023 Invoice Chimney rectification costs.  $1600 per unit per owner (ref 18 Oct 2023 Notice to Owners)
21 $533 30 Dec 2023 Invoice
  $533 2024 30 Jan 2024 invoice

Additional information on Special Assessments (if desired)

"Reserves. The Board of Directors may build up and maintain an adequate operating reserve and reserve for replacement of the Common Area, which may be funded by regular monthly payments, as provided for in subsection (c). At the end of each fiscal year, all funds accumulated during such year for reserves for replacement of the Common Area shall be placed in a separate bank account, segregated from the general operating funds, and used only for such purposes. If for any reason, including nonpayment of any Owner's assessment, the reserves are inadequate, the Board of Directors may at any time levy a further assessment, which shall be assessed against the Owners according to their respective votes in the Unit Owners Association, and which may be payable in a lump sum or in installments as the Board of Directors may determine. The Board of Directors shall serve notice of any such further assessment on all Owners by a statement in writing giving the amount and reasons therefor, and such further assessment shall, unless otherwise specified in the notice, become effective with the next monthly payment which is due more than ten (10) days after the delivery or mailing of such notice of further assessment. All Owners shall be obligated to pay the adjusted monthly amount or, if the additional assessment is not payable in installments, the amount of such assessments."






Details Building 1 Building 2 Building 3 Building 4 Stratford


Date Installed 1984 1984 1984 1984 Unknown - Pre 1984
Type Material Unknown - believed 20 year 3 tab asphalt Unknown - believed 20 year 3 tab asphalt Unknown - believed 20 year 3 tab asphalt Unknown - believed 20 year 3 tab asphalt Unknown - believed 20 year 3 tab asphalt
Years of service 17 Years 19 Years 21 Years 21 Years  



Date Sep 2002 Unk (between Apr to Oct 2004)

Sep/Oct  2006

Ref 31 Jul 2006 Mgt Update (1st para, item 6)

Sep/Oct  2006

Ref 31 Jul 2006 Mgt Update (1st para, item 6)

Fall 1998

Ref 7 Nov 1998 Mtg Minutes

Cost --- ---


Ref 11 Nov 2006 Meeting Packet (Pg 8)


Ref 11 Nov 2006 Meeting Packet (Pg 8)

Type Material 3 tab (shingle life rating unknown; 20, 25, 30 yr?) 3 tab (shingle life rating unknown; 20, 25, 30 yr?) 3 tab (shingle life rating unknown; 20, 25, 30 yr?) 3 tab (shingle life rating unknown; 20, 25, 30 yr?)  
Years Service 20 Years 18 Years 16 Years 16 Years  

2nd *


Date Aug 2022 Oct 2022 Oct 2022 Aug 2022
Cost $29,250 (Based on doing 4 roofs) $29,250 (Based on doing 4 roofs)

$29,250 (Based on doing 4 roofs)

$29,250 (Based on doing 4 roofs)


Patriot Roofing LLC

591 Mast Rd, Unit 10

Manchester, NH 03102




Type Material
Years Service


2nd replacement:  Additional information;

1.  Cost was $117,004 for four roofs or $29,250 per roof 





Painting (Buildings 1 -4)

Details Year Amount Painter Reference for Additional Information Additional Information

1st Repainting



  Carl Tibbetts 07 Nov 1998 Annual Meeting Minutes

06 Nov 1999 Annual Meeting Minutes

Job poorly done,  New firm hired to resolve outstanding issues from the original painter


2nd Repainting






Paint Colors

Buildings, windows, inside window casings, and railings Benjamin Moore (BM) Wilderness Gray
Decking & Stairs BM Sailcloth
Trim (cornerboards, fascia, window outer casings) BM Lafayette Green
Entry Doors Sikkens Maple

3rd Repainting



A&J Emory Home Improvements

Conway NH



10 Nov 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes Buildings 1 and 4 began in the summer of 2018, the others deferred to the Spring of 2019
9 Nov 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes "The only section not yet completed is half of the parking lot side of Building 1, which the painters are hoping to finish before the weather turns cold"

Paint Colors:

Buildings, windows, inside window casings, and railings Benjamin Moore (BM)  Briarwood HC-175 Low Luster
Decking & Stairs BM Briarwood Solid Stain for decks
Trim (cornerboards, fascia, window outer casings) BM Navajo White Soft Gloss
Entry Doors BM Chrome Green





Fire and CO2 Alarms


Fire alarms are checked annually

  Date Cost and Scope
  Jul 2022  


CO2 alarms were replaced at five year intervals.  With newer technology, this changed to a ten year cycle starting in the Summer of 2022

  Date Cost and Scope
  Jul 2022

$8.837.40 for all 44 units and basement





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